Easter flyer

The resurrection power of Easter

This Easter, women in red light areas are receiving the flyer, Graves into Gardens. The God who raised Jesus from the dead has the power to restore and renew, just as He is doing in Sue’s life.

We wish you a blessed Easter in the knowledge that the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you!

It is this message of new life through faith in Christ that MediaWorks partners seek to share with women trapped in prostitution. Outreach workers offer ladies the flyer, Graves into Gardens, which encourages them to hope again and trust in Jesus, who has the power to heal, restore and renew.  

When OM outreach worker Sarah* asked Sue* to edit a booklet before printing the story in her language, reading the testimony of someone’s life became a catalyst for Sue’s own journey to faith. “She told it back to me, and her eyes were shining,” Sarah remembered. “It has been a long journey, but this was the start.” The young lady was recently baptised and is experiencing God’s provision for her needs as she plans for the future. A network of partner organisations are supporting Sue to rebuild her life.

Praise God! He speaks through His life-giving Word and He completes what He started!  Please pray for the women receiving a flyer; pray that they would feel Christ’s love and respond to His invitation of hope.

“And if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit, who lives in you.”
- Romans 8: 11 (NIV) 

*Name changed 


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