OM EAST and partners have published a new leaflet in ten languages, entitled 'You are Beautiful my Sister', for women trapped in prostitution.
Written by outreach worker Tanja*, the poem inside tells women of the beauty she sees, a beauty that is more than skin deep. It is a letter of love, expressing the Father heart of God, who longs to offer them new life - the life He intended.
Small teams throughout Europe will bring this message to over 1,000 women working in brothels and on the streets during Easter. With 7,600 copies of You are Beautiful my Sister in print, its truths will reach thousands in the months ahead as workers continue to speak to individuals and offer hope.
“The women have no more dreams,” Tanja shared, “We want to give them new dreams again.”
Please pray for individuals to recognise their true identity and worth. Please pray they find fresh hope to dream, courage to seek help, and discover who God created them to be.
Translations are available in: Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech, English, German, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Serbian and Spanish.
*Name changed
OM EurAsia Support Team’s (OM EAST) literature and media ministry produces high quality print and digital media in over 25 languages. Always working with local partners, we seek to share the gospel, strengthen churches and bring hope to people groups throughout Eurasia.