Our vision for Bermuda and its believers is for them to: Go, Pray, Give, and Grow. To make Jesus known!
Bermuda is the oldest and most populous of the British Overseas Territories. Tourism is important for the island's economy island attracting over half a million visitors annually, but international business has overtaken it in recent years as Bermuda has developed into a highly successful offshore financial centre.
Bermuda is an archipelago consisting of 181 islands in the North Atlantic Ocean, east of South Carolina (US). The largest island is Main Island (also called Bermuda), and the capital is Hamilton. The population of Bermuda stood at 64,000 in January 2024, ethnic groups consist of: African descent 52 per cent, White 31 per cent, mixed nine per cent, Asian four per cent, other four per cent. The official language is English.
Christianity is a strong part of Bermuda’s heritage. The majority of the population identify as Christians, sadly, the appearance of religion takes priority over genuine spirituality. Please pray for revival.
OM’s passion is to mobilise churches and believers to reach the nations for Jesus, partnering with local churches to inspire and equip people for mission work. We provide opportunities for believers to participate in both short and long-term mission outreaches, locally and internationally.
Feeling called to join us? You can volunteer, support our projects, or become a prayer warrior. As the prophet Isaiah wrote, “Give praise to the Lord, proclaim His name; make known among the nations what He has done, and proclaim that His name is exalted”. Isaiah 12:4. OM in Bermuda is excited to see how God will use your gifts to bless this mission field. Let’s share His love and make an impact together!
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