動員東亞 走向世界
加入REACH in Taiwan
我們預計於 2025 年 9 月在台灣開展 REACH 訓練,這是一個為期 5 個月的培訓,裝備對象為來自不同國家、願意分享神的愛並將神的宣教工作觸及萬國的弟兄姊妹,特別是華人族群。
We want to start a Reach program in Taiwan in Sep 2025, this will be a 5 months training, for people from different nationailties who has a heart for sharing God's love and for God's mission work to reach the nations, especially the Chinese speaking world.
We would like to walk a journey with the participants by giving discipleship training and practical skills for them to be confident and willing to take action to share the gospel in a culturally sensitive manner. Growing physically, spiritually and emotionally while discovering Gods calling in their lives.