Talea (Germany) participated in REACH in South Africa and completed the children's ministry elective with Ichnos.

A new perspective

Talea grew up thinking children's ministry was more like childcare. After taking the children's ministry elective during REACH, her view changed.

The children’s ministry Eelective is a two-week training within REACH, a four-month missions discipleship training programme. Talea completed REACH in South Africa. The elective is designed to inspire and equip people for ministry with children, as it did for Talea (Germany).

Faced with several elective options during REACH, Talea prayed for clarity. A deep sense of peace led her to the children’s elective, where she recognised that God had a specific plan for children within His mission. Her growing passion for this area made her decision feel like the right one.

Over the two weeks of the training, Talea walked away with three life-changing lessons. First, she learnt that children are a vital part of God’s plan. Second, she discovered practical ways to help children understand their unique roles and create opportunities for them to take action. Third, she developed a deeper understanding of how to empower children to engage actively in sharing the love of Christ with others.

Memorable moments and challenges

A standout moment for Talea was during an outreach to a local afterschool library, where the team spent time connecting with children through reading and fun activities and sharing with them that God can use them like He used children in the Bible. Talea spent one-on-one time with a child at the library and used the tools she acquired during the Children’s Elective to help the child improve her reading skills. At the end of the time, Talea was able to see a distinct improvement in the child’s reading and confidence. Talea was thrilled that what she had recently learnt enabled her to help someone overcome a challenge and build confidence.

Sharing her learnings with the larger group reinforced her conviction about the value of children’s ministry and motivated her to advocate for it with greater confidence.

The elective was not without its challenges. Talea described how she faced the misconception that ministry to children was less important than working with adults, a misconception she came to believe as growing up, she witnessed a stronger focus on ministry reaching out to adults than to children. This realisation required Talea to step out in courage and learn about the importance of speaking up for the value of investing in children and praying intentionally for this often-overlooked mission field.

Hearing God’s voice

Throughout the programme, Talea felt God speaking to her in powerful ways. He reignited her love for teaching and revealed how she could use her gifts to help children see their potential. One moment stood out to her — a simple act of teaching a young girl — which confirmed her passion for enabling others to succeed. Talea also felt a clear call to raise awareness about the importance of children’s ministry, a challenge she embraced wholeheartedly.

By the end of the programme, Talea felt excited and ready to dive into children’s ministry. No longer seeing it as mere childcare, she recognised its potential to bring children into God’s mission. This shift in perspective gave her renewed purpose and the desire to inspire others to get involved.

Inspiring work with Reading Holiday Club

Talea shared her enthusiasm for Reading Holiday Club, a programme that combines fun with teaching children to read. Using creative methods, the club helps children build foundational skills and self-confidence. Watching children realise, “I can do this,” was especially rewarding for her and underscored the transformative power of this ministry.

A new perspective

Initially drawn to women’s ministry, Talea now sees the unique potential of children’s ministry. Even small acts of encouragement can make a lasting difference in a child’s life. She also learnt how children can reach their peers for Christ, an idea that moved from being abstract to deeply personal during the elective.

A life-changing journey

Her two-week outreach experience after the elective put what Talea learnt into action. The team went beyond fun activities to help children see their role in making Christ known. Watching children share the gospel with their friends showed her how powerful and capable they can be when equipped to live out their faith.

When asked if she’d recommend the elective, Talea’s answer was a resounding “yes.” For her, it opened her eyes to God’s incredible heart for children, provided tools to make a meaningful impact and deepened her excitement for involving children in His mission. This journey, she said, changed her life — and she believes it can do the same for others.

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