Life of the Turkish community in Brussels . Photo by Tillmann Klein

New life starts with a social media post

Over half of all believers from a Muslim background in Türkiye can chart their spiritual pilgrimage through the Bible Correspondence Course (BCC).

Many people in Türkiye have questions: Who is God? What is real prayer? What do Christians believe? Each week, thousands of these seekers interact online in response to engaging with the Bible Correspondence Course (BCC) social media and Google advertising. Those who order a Bible are invited to meet with believers who live near them to explore questions of faith further.

In 2023, over 17,000 Turks ordered a New Testament online, 1,300 engaged in the BCC's Christian book series, 200 met face-to-face with a believer and 150 made professions of faith.

The BCC seeks to win new disciples and grow the Church. Ministry partners include churches and church planters who spread the gospel, follow up those seeking biblical truth and disciple new believers across the country's 81 provinces.

They don't just reach people in major cities; the BCC's extensive volunteer network extends into areas with minimal exposure to the Good News.

Even though many of the early churches were in Türkiye, only around 180 churches exist today. The BCC was founded in 1962 during the pioneering days of gospel workers in the country. As a remarkably effective evangelistic ministry, the BCC continues to grow, deeply impacting many in Türkiye with each passing year.

Leading to local connections

An Australian volunteer worker, Stuart*, believes it's a huge privilege to meet with people who have never met a Christian. "It's amazing to live a life with so much purpose impacting people for eternity."

"I reach out to those who have ordered Bibles online and help to answer their questions and share the gospel and my testimony with them. I seek to walk alongside them as I encourage them to discover the Bible with friends and family in their community."

When Hakan* began to explore Christianity, he felt a distinct peace that continued to draw him in. However, it wasn't until he met Stuart and another worker through the BCC that he understood the essence of believing in Jesus.

As Hakan compared the Bible to what he knew of the Qur'an, he asked, "So what things do Christians have to do in their faith?" The two workers shared their testimony with Hakan, explaining what entering a real relationship with God meant. Now, Hakan is connected to a local family leading a house church.

Many seeking the truth are often curious to meet a Christian, and the experience can be powerful. The story of Hakan is not uncommon in Türkiye, as God continues to draw people to Himself through the BCC.

*name changed

Pray for the thousands of seekers who engage with the BCC and order New Testaments. Pray for these seeds to find good soil, grow and bear much fruit.

Pray for the BCC volunteer network, for perseverance, wisdom and encouragement. Not every meet-up is as successful as with Hakan, and it can be discouraging when people lose interest or contact.  

Pray for isolated believers throughout Türkiye. In remote areas, there's often only a handful of believers, sometimes just one in the area. Pray for them to stand firm in their faith and for the courage to share their faith with those in their community.

Pray for small groups and house gatherings throughout Türkiye to be strengthened and multiplied.

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