Mozambique 'You can do missions' "...if they don’t believe you, you have to keep on talking and talking and talking until it gets stuck in their head," said Lansipe.
South Sudan Blessed are the peacemakers In a nation filled with tribal tension, OM works toward reconciliation through youth conferences, relief outreaches and a bookshop filled with Bibles.
Tanzania 'Decide' “I pray: ‘Give me the strategy, give me the way, the window to talk with Muslims. For me, my name is a bridge: it sounds Muslim, and they welcome me in their house,” explains OMer Samar.
Madagascar Spreading the gospel Siniore desires for her family and friends to know Christ’s love as she does. After a training, she took what she learnt and put it into practice.
Mozambique Challenging the culture “God is working in this community,” James said. He and other Christians in his village are challenging the culture by living their lives for Christ.
Mozambique Concentrate on one Focusing on one person at a time, John uses everyday life as a way to meet people where they are and journey alongside them.
Zambia Building on From doing their lessons on the ground to learning at desks in classrooms, the students at Makwati Community School have come a long way.