Cebu, Philippines :: Lena and ChengSiew (Singapore) pack food for distribution.

Supporting over 100 homeless adults and children each week is an organisation in Cebu, Philippines, known as ‘Chariots.’ During her recent visit, Doulos Hope was able to see the remarkable impact that ‘Chariots’ has on the local community. But the story begins more than 20 years ago, in 2001, when previous vessel Doulos was docked in Cebu…

A visit to remember

Sally Ababa (Philippines) had been serving on board Doulos for four years. Cebu was her final port and it was surely one to remember. Throughout the visit, crewmembers and local port volunteers connected with the children living nearby on the streets. Many children and homeless adults were able to come to the quayside.

Sally shares, “During their break, Doulos crewmembers would play with the kids. They got so involved and would invite the kids to eat on the ship – the meal badges [allotted for guests to dine on board] would always run out!”

As time went on, connections only grew stronger. “I can still remember the chaos and the joy!” Sally recounted. “You’d see [children] playing, singing and dancing with the Doulos crewmembers until late at night. It was full of life and vibrancy.”

At the end of the port, as the ship began her voyage out of Cebu, Sally witnessed something she would never forget. The children jumped into the wake of the ship, crying and expressing heartfelt goodbyes.

It was clear that the ship had an impact on the community.

From Doulos to the next generation

Doulos was in a new port, but Sally and the volunteers remained in Cebu with a newfound passion. “[The port volunteers] decided themselves that they’ll continue the ministry that Doulos started,” Sally expressed. “Every Saturday, on their own, they came back to do the singing, dancing and playing that they learned from Doulos.”

On Tuesdays, they would provide meals for everyone who came. Sally saw firsthand how much it meant to the community. “It wasn’t only food that they look forward to, but the friendship with [those] who prepared the food, invited them in and stayed with them. They showed them what love is by accepting them unconditionally.”

And it didn’t stop there. The team would meet in one of their houses every Saturday, discussing ways to expand the ministry. Eventually, they knew they needed an office. They settled in a space that OM in the Philippines still calls home today.

“We [had] to answer to their needs as much as possible,” Sally and the volunteers realised.  They began partnering with local churches and different organisations to provide scholarship opportunities, dental and medical care and courses on faith. In time, Sally handed leadership entirely over to the volunteers and ‘Chariots’ was officially formed.

“Today, it’s the next generation that is handling the ministry… The programme has evolved according to the needs of the people,” Sally commented.

Sharing God’s love

Beginning twenty years ago through connections with children, ‘Chariots’ continues sharing God’s love with others today. “The most important thing is the dignity that we gave to them when we give them good food. We give them food as someone with love. They know that – they’ll sense the genuineness, love and value that we give to them,” Sally finishes.



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