Tema, Ghana :: Noah Okyere (Ghana) is excited about the arrival to his own country.

The man in white

Noah’s story began in a village called Jamboai, where he grew up in a family from a different faith background. In time, he moved away from his home and began working to support his siblings in the southern region of Ghana. 

A step of faith 


But one night, everything changed. He had a vision that would transform his life forever.  

In this vision, a man wearing white told Noah that it was time for the Lord to deliver people from the northern region of Ghana. “That was when the Lord put it on my heart to come back to my village which is in the north and start a prayer centre,” he shared. 

Noah set out back to Jamboai, where he began constructing the ‘Mountain Sinai Prayer Centre for All Nations’ in Jamboai Beposo. Here, everyone would have the opportunity to pray, worship and hold church conferences.  

With an eagerness for ministry growing in his heart, Noah also attended Bible college and eventually felt God telling him to serve on board Logos Hope. The leader of OM in Ghana encouraged Noah to join, knowing it would be an opportunity for growth.  

Noah wasn’t sure how he was going to raise the financial support, but knew that because God was in control, it would be possible. “I took a step of faith, and the Lord made a way,” said Noah. “The Lord opened up the door.” 

From the ship and beyond 

By November 2021, Noah was serving on board Logos Hope in Sierra Leone. “Many departments work together to make one body and one voice, one goal and one vision. I learned a lot when I got to the ship and I’ve discovered that [the ship was] the best place for me to learn about the ministry and to learn more to do the work of God.” 

Noah took part in many opportunities provided on the ship such as engaging in a cross-cultural environment, medical initiatives and different leadership programmes. “I learned how to mobilise the youth in the ministry, disciple them and [encourage] them),” he said.  

Noah makes use of all these skills at his prayer centre. He organises different activities for young people, helps conduct free medical consultations and hosts events where widows and orphans can share a meal together. 

Steppingstones of transformation 

Today, Noah’s prayer centre has been a steppingstone for many to become Jesus followers, including his father and several other family members.  

“We were in darkness,” said Noah. “But when the prayer centre started to invite men and women of God from the city, the people testified, and they really started experiencing the power of God.”  

Jamboai Chieftan Nana Banda Monto-Ko I, who has known Noah since the beginning of his story, shared, “I was amazed because of the way he went to the ship and came back. He has learned so many things from this ship. I know that [Noah] has changed and changed everybody in his church and even the whole community too.” 

Millie (USA), visited Noah’s village with a team from Logos Hope two years after Noah’s time on board ended. She witnessed Noah’s influence on his community. “There was a little kid, [age] 8 or 9, Elijah… One night he dressed up as a pastor because he wanted to be like Noah when he grew up,” recounted Millie.  

Faithfully serving the Lord 

“OM in Ghana has been blessed tremendously by the training, discipline and other skills Noah acquired whilst serving on board the ship,” shared Pastor Paul, field leader of OM in Ghana. “He is faithfully serving the Lord in his community up North of Ghana, which is predominantly the least reached.”  

Looking ahead, Noah is excited for his ministry to continue growing. With Jesus at the centre and providing continually, Noah’s heart is set on travelling to least-reached countries. He wants to share the goodness of God’s love so that everyone can hear.  

You can fuel hope today 

Your gift to OM's Ship Ministry will fuel further opportunities to equip local believers like Noah.


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