Logos Hope :: Ian (Philippines) shares his story of his time on board Logos Hope.
Ian (Philippines) encountered crewmembers of OM’s previous ship Doulos at his church when he was just ten years old. “I saw them there from different cultures and it gave me a desire that one day I want to join a ship, which currently is Logos Hope.”
Having experienced God’s love for himself and seeing how others shared it around the world, Ian wanted to do this too. “It was God’s love that moved me to love others. It carried me through different obstacles and seasons of life and I know it will carry others too. People need to have the chance to understand and even to experience what hope is – that there's so much more in life than just living or just earning or just surviving.”
However, Ian had a misconception about what it takes to join the Ship Ministry. “I thought for me to come on board Logos Hope I needed to be a seafarer. That's why I studied marine engineering. But when I arrived here, I realised that you can come as you are regardless of your educational background.” Ian now knows that people can serve with the Ship Ministry in a variety of ways, from professional roles to school leavers, learning their first full-time jobs.
After 16 years of waiting and preparation, Ian stepped on board Logos Hope to serve as an engine cadet. “When I finally realised that I was coming on board the ship, I felt a mixed emotion of joy and excitement. As an engine cadet, my role on board is to train to become an engineer in the future. So, we learn to take on the engineers’ responsibilities.”
Through his Logos Hope experience, Ian feels he has developed a greater sense of what it looks like when different people serve God with the same goal. “When I joined the ship, experienced different cultures, how differently we pray and praise God and express our faith, it opened my mind. God has different faces. He's so diverse and unique and I have seen that here on Logos Hope. We all work for one vision. Even those of us working in the engine room; we're part of the bigger picture.”
Ian can feel a change within as a result of his time serving on board. “I wanted to know more about people and to know more about God, to get closer to Him and to experience Him more. Wherever I go, I know that God will lead me to the right people to reach out to and share the hope and love that I experienced.”
For anyone wanting to serve God and others, Ian would recommend trying the Ship Ministry. “I pray that many more people would dare to go and step out of their comfort zone. Don't doubt, don't limit God, don't be afraid. Come and join the Ship Ministry!”