Musicians and Artists to MENA
Jederzeit möglich
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Art des Einsatzes
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In partnership with local associations, we host both smaller and larger events promoting cultural exchange through the arts. We are a group of volunteers living in the MENA region. We love the people and love the Lord, and believe that everyone is created in the image of God and therefore is created to create.
We want to be a blessing towards positive transformation of lives and communities in our region, seeking creative outlets to provide hope for an often lost younger generation.
Music and the arts open people's hearts and minds to new things, which is needed to be able to be a part of positive change. We sympathize with the conservative societies we work in that fear that change will lead to moral decay as they see an increasingly secular influence from abroad. We are committed to provide artistic quality together with godly character and values presented in a way that honours and esteems what is good in the host culture.
While you will not be paid, previous visiting artists all testify of tons of learning experience and awesome memories.
Whether or not you are available this year, please seek contact with us and let us know your interest.
We also offer special training opportunities for artists. .
A registration fee of CHF 70.- is added (to be paid only once).
Provisional price due to exchange rate fluctuations
(Bei Schwierigkeiten mit dem Englisch kontaktiere uns bitte trotzdem, wir freuen uns auf deine Anfrage.
En cas de questions ou de difficultés avec l'anglais, contacte-nous. Nous nous réjouissons de recevoir ton message.)
Das bieten wir
During 2024, we plan on hosting a couple of larger music tours and a number of smaller events and workshops for musicians and artists. We have many open doors and local partners willing and eager to cooperate.
Musicians are invited to join us for 1 to 2 weeks that include creative times with local musicians, music workshops with aspiring musicians and concerts. While we welcome people all year, we especially look for musicians during the local school breaks and during the month of August.
We also have specific opportunities for experienced photographers, graphic artists and street artists to join in a projects during the spring and the fall.
Others artists; painters, potters, textile artist and even experienced knitters or weavers, or jewelry makers are welcome to contact us. We have many ideas and could work on finding a venue to use your particular talent.
Age Range: 18-99
While we are volunteers who want to offer more or less free events to those who cannot afford to pay, we are not capable of paying artist fees.
Together with our local partners, we are committed to provide all in-country costs for the artists and musicians joining our events.
We request everyone to seek for sponsors for their airfares, but will gladly assist in the search for funding through donors with whom we are familiar.
The participant artist should:
- be of good character with conservative moral standards, as artists tend to be influential role models to both the audience and other local artists.
- be eager to serve, flexible and ready for change, as things often tend to change last minute here.
- have a online profile which is not associated to political or religious organizations, and allows local partners to see what level of professionalism to expect.
Häufig gestellte Fragen
Will there be accommodation provided?
Hotels, rented housing or hosting by local residents as appropriate to situation.
Ist Verpflegung eingeschlossen?
Food will be provided by local hosts. Please inform us of any dietary restrictions.
Muss ich meine An- und Abreise selbst planen?
Travel to and from the country to be arranged and financed by participants. Travel within the country will be provided by local partners and hosts.
Wie sollte mein Gesundheitszustand sein?
As this is a customisable event, theoretically we would be able to accommodate people with special health needs, but would have to have a conversation to see if the time of year and type of event would be appropriate for the need of the participant.
Brauche ich ein Visum?
Participants will be asked to check the visa requirements for their country of origin before buying their tickets. Many countries are receive visas upon entry.
Frage stellen
Ihr zuständiges OM-Büro
Operation Mobilisation, The Quinta, Weston Rhyn, OSWESTRY, SY10 7LT, Shropshire, GB
Registered as a limited company by guarantee no. 2564320 and charity no.1008196 (England and Wales).
General enquiries:
Short-term mission opportunities:
01691 773388