Mission Week Zwettl
16. Aug. 2025
24. Aug. 2025
CHF 530.00
Art des Einsatzes
God's mission - your mission?
Come with us to Zwettl on an adventure with God! Together we will encounter God
and bring the good news of Jesus to the people of Zwettl. Learn simple and creative
ways to share about Jesus in personal conversations, or use your musical skills or
poetry to touch hearts. Zwettl is a small town with around 2000 inhabitants in the northern part of Austria. In this region called "Mühlviertel", there are only a handful of churches, by far not enough for so many people living there. Many have not heard of a living relationship with God through Jesus yet. Will you join us in changing that?
Price is still worked out, but will be less or equal what is stated.
Outreach Language is German, though english speakers are welcome as well. .
Note that this is a provisional price due to exchange rate fluctuations.
(Bei Schwierigkeiten mit dem Englisch kontaktiere uns bitte trotzdem, wir freuen uns auf deine Anfrage.
En cas de questions ou de difficultés avec l'anglais, contacte-nous. Nous nous réjouissons de recevoir ton message.)
Das bieten wir
Part of the outreach team will consist of musicians who will touch people with music
in small concerts at various locations and tell them about Jesus with short stories,
testimonies or poetry. Are you a musician or do you write poetry? We are looking for
The rest of the team will approach people with creative conversation starters to have
honest conversations about life and to testify to Jesus as our Saviour. There will be
training sessions at the beginning of the outreach where you will learn how to share
the gospel in a creative and understandable way and get people excited about Jesus.
Are you passionate about people being saved? We are looking for you!
We want to tell even the youngest children about Jesus' love for us with a creative
children's programme. Do you enjoy working with children? We are looking for you!
Together we will worship God daily and seek his presence before we invite people to
experience his presence.
Age Range: 18-99
Your heart burns for mission? You are ready to lead conversations about Jesus? We are looking for you! Experience with Outreaches is helpful, but not necessary, there will be training.
Häufig gestellte Fragen
Will there be accommodation provided?
We will either be accommodated privately or in a student home.
Ist Verpflegung eingeschlossen?
We will have people with us who will cook for the team
during the outreach. Special diets have to be clarified.
Muss ich meine An- und Abreise selbst planen?
Participants arrange and pay for their own travel.
- Fly to Vienna (VIE) or Salzburg (SZG) airport, and take the train to Zwettl train station. Participants will be picked up there. Trains are a very safe and common way of transport in Austria.
- Check out the most suitable connection at www.oebb.at
Participants should arrive Saturday at 4pm and leave Sunday at 3pm.
Wie sollte mein Gesundheitszustand sein?
Participants need to be ready for long hours standing/walking during outreach times. If you have health limitations, please let us know!
Brauche ich ein Visum?
EU/EWR citizens do not need a visa. Other particpants please consult your local OM branch or visit www.schengenvisainfo.com
Frage stellen
Ihr zuständiges OM-Büro
Operation Mobilisation, The Quinta, Weston Rhyn, OSWESTRY, SY10 7LT, Shropshire, GB
Registered as a limited company by guarantee no. 2564320 and charity no.1008196 (England and Wales).
General enquiries: www.uk.om.org/contact-us
Short-term mission opportunities: shortterm.uk@om.org
01691 773388