Love Moldova C: One-week Cycling Outreach

20. Juli 2025 -
27. Juli 2025
CHF 420.00

Art des Einsatzes





6. Juni




The cycling team will set off from a central location and cycle every second day to a different village where your cross-cultural team will meet with children, youth and elderly people to share the Gospel. Sharing the Gospel by cycling from village to village through the countryside of Moldova. Through this cross-cultural experience, you will have the amazing opportunity to grow in your faith and relationship with God.

If there are not enough participants, we will propose another option.
Families with very small children cannot be accepted for this option.
Families with teens welcomed to Cycling Outreach. Provisional price due to exchange rate fluctuations.

(Bei Schwierigkeiten mit dem Englisch kontaktiere uns bitte trotzdem, wir freuen uns auf deine Anfrage.
En cas de questions ou de difficultés avec l'anglais, contacte-nous. Nous nous réjouissons de recevoir ton message.)

Das bieten wir

During the time in the village, the team will run programs for children, youth and visit families and elderly people in their homes. You will meet with and encourage local believers and have evangelistic meetings in the church. The participants will cycle between 10-25 km every second day, depending on the distance between villages. Not all of the streets will be paved – many are dirt.


Age Range: 18-70

Are you adventurous, open to be stretched physically and spiritually? Do you want to be challenged in your faith and experience God in a new way through cross-cultural ministry? Do you have a passion to reach the lost by sharing share the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Come and join us!

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Will there be accommodation provided?

You will stay in Chisinau in OM accommodation upon arrival and before departure. During outreach you will sleep some nights in tents and other nights you may either sleep in a church building or with local families. Please note that it may not be possible for groups, families or married couples to remain together within the different accommodations.

Ist Verpflegung eingeschlossen?

Good Moldovan food is provided. Sometimes you as a team will need to prepare your own meal. Please come ready to serve together alongside the team and advise us if you have dietary restrictions.

Muss ich meine An- und Abreise selbst planen?

You must arrange your own travel to and from Chisinau Moldova. (Airport Code Chisinau = KIV) You will be picked up at the airport, train station or bus station by one of our OM team members.

Wie sollte mein Gesundheitszustand sein?

Participants must be in good health and physically able to ride a bicycle over rough terrain for long distances, stand, bend, lift, walk and do other physical activities as needed.

Brauche ich ein Visum?

You can only enter Moldova with a Passport, not an ID card. Citizens from the EU, USA, Canada, Switzerland and a CIS countries do not need a Visa. All others will need a Visa. If a Visa is needed and costs are involved, this is the participant's responsibility to pay the fees.

We are NOT able to provide a Letter of Invitation for a Visa. Please check if you need a Letter of Invitation at


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Operation Mobilisation, The Quinta, Weston Rhyn, OSWESTRY, SY10 7LT, Shropshire, GB

Registered as a limited company by guarantee no. 2564320 and charity no.1008196 (England and Wales).

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01691 773388