Least Reached Ministry Worker
Art der Zusammenarbeit
Auf Spendenbasis*
Zusammen mit dir sind wir Weltenveränderer
The Balkan peninsula is one of the least reached areas in Europe, with only around 1% of the population who have a personal relationship with Jesus. There are many towns and villages currently with no protestant church or local believers. We are looking for people with a passion for Jesus willing to live in and start ministry in these least reached areas. To be the light, where there currently is no one else.
Dein Profil, um Welten zu verändern
We are looking for individuals, couples, families, groups of people who are willing to go into unreached areas of Serbia, Montenegro or Kosovo. While you could be the first or only believers in your town, you are not alone. You will connect and meet regularly with other teams and workers all over the Balkans living out the same mission.
Key responsibilities and attributes:
- Willingness to live in an unreached town or village, to potentially be the only believers for a time
- A passion to see vibrant communities of Jesus followers established
- A strong desire to share Jesus' love and the gospel in a respectful, cultural relevant with people
- A proactive attitude, willing to build relationships with locals and start new activities, try out different ways of reaching and discipling people
- Regularly catch up with other teams around the Balkans to share in life, fellowship and ministry
- Past church planting experience is favourable
- Enjoy building or being part of a new team This is a unique opportunity to pioneer a significant impact in a region where there is currently no gospel access. If you are excited about the prospect and adventure of living in a least reached area, we would love to hear from you. Please contact us as soon as possible to join our team and be a part of seeing God's kingdom grow in the Balkan Region.
Please note: this is a non-salaried position. Members need to raise funds and support in partnership with friends, family and churches.
Frage stellen
Your local office
Operation Mobilisation, The Quinta, Weston Rhyn, OSWESTRY, SY10 7LT, Shropshire, GB
Registered as a limited company by guarantee no. 2564320 and charity no.1008196 (England and Wales).
General enquiries: www.uk.om.org/contact-us
Short-term mission opportunities: shortterm.uk@om.org
01691 773388
* The jobs listed on this website do not have a set salary. This means that the person who applies will need to raise their own support, which is money that they will use to live on. The amount of support money they need to raise will depend on things like where they are from, if they have a family, and what country they will be working in. There might be some jobs that pay salary, but these are rare and would need to be negotiated with the sending offices and the teams you'd like to serve with. If you have any questions about this, please contact your local home office. Always keep in mind that our ministry depends on generous giving from our partners around the globe and God's ongoing provision. Joining OM is always seen as a step of faith and trust in a God who will provide for our needs through his chosen people.