Catalytic Ministries


As Kingdom businesses succeed, everyone in the community benefits.

Our vision is to see biblical values transform communities through business. We start with the idea that God gifts and calls some people for business. This, in and of itself, has the enormous capacity for good, and done appropriately, is sustainable in its impact.

Through a two-pronged strategy that focuses on (1) job makers and (2) job seekers, we’re seeing the cycle of poverty broken as business owners operate to maximise Kingdom impact. We want to see gospel-centred business fulfilling its vital role in Jesus’ mission to reach the nations.


Explore these opportunities to impact business professionals with one of our teams around the world.

Business at work


Business 4 Transformation (B4T)

Focusing on local entrepreneurs who are Jesus followers, B4T supports spiritual discipleship initiatives by empowering indigenous Jesus followers and communities for the work of ministry (Eph. 4:12). It also strengthens local churches in vulnerable communities and those without access to the gospel message, for the work of multiplying believers. B4T creates a business ecosystem that’s self-sustaining and able to grow and multiply through training and mentoring. Through the attention of an experienced B4T developer, it also helps grow local entrepreneurs’ spiritual impact of their businesses.

Microenterprise Development

Entrepreneurship is a crucial part of the solution to poverty alleviation, job creation and economic growth, transforming both individual lives and entire communities. Catalytic teams provide training and assistance pre- and post-business start-up, including creating a robust business plan, facilitating local support groups and teaching innovation techniques and product development. As we mentor in business, we also teach what the Bible says about work, money and serving Jesus in the workplace.

Sudanese refugee women with fabric
“Wealth creation is inherent to the dignity of all peoples. It is a holy calling and a God-given gift, fully endorsed in the Word of God.”

— Lausanne from movement/BAM Global

Latest Business Stories

Goat herders watch over their flock in north-central Africa. Photo by RJ Rempel.
In der Sahelzone geschieht die effektive Weitergabe des Evangeliums, wenn Einheimische ausgerüstet werden, diejenigen aus ihrer eigenen Kultur zu Jüngern Jesu zu machen. Und genau dafür suchen und finden Aziz und Alia neue Wege.
A man from the Sahel prays for his country. Photo by RJ Rempel.
In the Sahel, effective gospel sharing comes when local people are trained to disciple those whom they share a culture with. And that is just what Aziz and Alia are finding new ways of doing.